Barlow and Underman repeat win at SMC
ثبت نشده
SMC students re affirm ed the election of Kathy Barlow and Misssy U nderm an for student body p re s id e n t an d v icepresident in F rid ay ’s balloting at St. M ary’s . In the election held to clarify a nine vote discrepancy which was discorded in the first totals, Barlow and U nderm an collected 606 votes to defeat Jan e Sheehy and Sue Welte who polled 491 votes. P leased with the large turn-out of voters (estim ated a t 76 per cent), Miss Barlow announced a schedule of m eetings this week which she and Miss Underm an will have with representatives of the adm inistration including Sr. Alma and Sr. Im m aculata. They will also hold briefings with the p re se n t s tu d e n t g o v ern m en t adm inistration. The new student governm ent representatives m et yesterday with N otre D am e’s new student g o v e rn m e n t le a d e rs John B arkett and Orlando Rodriguez. They discussed the report on m e rg e d s tu d e n t g o v e rn m e n ts prepared by the student govern m ent coeducation com m ittee. Both Miss Barlow and B arkett had included m erged student governm ents as parts of their platform s. At the conference they decided to deal with the short-range goals suggested in the re p o rt: (1) m erger of commissions such a s S tu d en t Union and Student Services Organizations; (2) placing SMC hall presidents on the HPC; (3) m erged cabinets. “ In order to ac t on the long range goal of the report, one student body, we will have to wait until afte r Key B iscayne,” stated Miss Barlow, who foresees no problem s with m erging student governm ents since they a re only m erging student activities, not any councils involving the tr i partite governm ent. According to present student .government representatives, these changes a re subject only to student approval. Besides working on m erged com missions, Barlow and Un derm an also plan to c reate some new commissions, including one dealing with m inority students. “ N om ina tions fo r th ese co m m issio n s an d for o th e r student governm ents positions will be afte r spring break,., announced Miss U nderm ann. “ I hope tha t the in terest and en thusiasm showed by the students in the election will continue into the nominations for the cabinet positions.” As vice-president, Miss Un derm an will chair the student affairs com m ittee and sit on the student affairs council, while also m anaging elections. In this area she hopes to add provisions to the constitution which would clarify the ru le s fo r c o n te s tin g an election such as this y ea r’s. C om m en ting on h e r un successful bid for the presidency, Jane Sheehy, McCandless Hall president, sta ted , “Sue and I w ere disappointed to lose, but we w ere happy to go through the reelection to m ake it valid .” “We w ere pleased with the large turnout in voting and we wish Kathy and Missy the best of luck,” she continued. Miss Barlow, recognizing her opponents’ experience in student governm ent and ideas, has of fered both Miss Sheehy and Miss W elte p o sitio n s in s tu d e n t governm ent next year.
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